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All Our Kids Network

ALL OUR KIDS (AOK) Networks are community-based collaborations that include representatives from all sectors who share a common interest in helping families with young children to get the best start in life.​ Each month, the AOK Network meets to share in knowledge and best practices to stakeholders within the network who serve families with children ages 0-5. 

Kid Painting

What is AOK?

AOK is a network of dedicated professionals who work together to strengthen young children and their families. Our network consists of representatives from education, health, social services, faith-based and government entities. By working together, we are able to help change local systems of services. These system changes generate better outcomes for children and their families. Outcomes such as: 


  • Improved coordination of services between providers

  • Improved systems that speak to the real issues of early childhood parents

  • Better equity in the systems of care

  • Greater information sharing, so that parents/caregivers can make informed decisions

  • More positives outcomes for children enter kindergarten

Diverse Kindergarten
Initiative 1

Network Capacity

      The AOK network is a group of dedicated organizations working together to address child and family problems within our community. This group consist of various Wabash and Edwards County organizations that support early childhood work. The network establishes initiatives based on data-driven information from our community. Every member has an equal stake in ensuring that children 0-5 are safe, healthy, and on a positive developmental trajectory. Together as a team we mold our expertise and experiences to carry out a strategic plan that supports Wabash and Edwards County children. The network has the capacity to make lasting system change that will allow families to thrive.

Cute Baby Crawling
Initiative 2


Too many parents of young children do not know or understand the opportunities and help that is available to them to obtain positive outcomes for their children, so the AOK Network is focused on raising the literacy rate in health, nutrition, parenting and basic skills, so that children might thrive and have better outcomes. Literacy plays a huge role in all the stages of early childhood and directly affects a child’s readiness for kindergarten. We will work through several avenues and processes that help to identify and provide support of disadvantaged families.

AOK Resource Directory

AOK Resource Card - Inside.png
AOK Resource Card- Outside.png


Steve Akins, AOK Coordinator

Wabash County Health Department 

618-263-3873 ext. 121

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