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About the Quitline

The Illinois Tobacco Quitline (ITQL) is a free telephone resource that provides tobacco cessation counseling and information to tobacco users who want to quit tobacco use, and tobacco cessation materials to individuals requesting information to give to a tobacco user.


Nicotine replacement therapy, including nicotine patches, gum or lozenges, may be recommended in combination with cessation counseling and is made available to eligible ITQL callers through the Illinois Department of Public Health, statewide NRT distribution program.


In addition to telephone counseling services, the ITQL offers web-based services including general information on the ITQL, response to information requests about tobacco cessation, online interactive counseling, and e-mail referrals and requests for a call from an ITQL counselor.


ITQL is staffed by tobacco treatment specialists, registered nurse, and respiratory therapists who have received training in tobacco cessation counseling.


Any healthcare provider, facility or system that provides healthcare services to tobacco users may enroll as a Quitline Referral Partner.


Providers who wish to enroll should contact their local health department or the ITQL for additional information and assistance in enrolling.


After the healthcare provider has been enrolled as a Quitline Referral Partner, training on integrating the referral process into clinical practice and necessary referral forms will be provided by the ITQL.

As an ITQL referral partner, a healthcare provider will be able to easily, quickly, and effectively refer patients who are tobacco users for cessation counseling and support.


Through the ITQL tracking system, providers will be able to obtain information about their patients who receive cessation counseling through the ITQL.


Referrals may be submitted by one or more of the following methods:


1. Fax


2. Electronic fax (e-fax)


3. Medical record (EMR) data transfer

Referral Partners

Any healthcare provider, facility or system that provides healthcare services to tobacco users may enroll as a Quitline Referral Partner. Providers who wish to enroll should contact their local health department or the ITQL for additional information and assistance in enrolling. After the healthcare provider has been enrolled as a Quitline Referral Partner, training on integrating the referral process into clinical practice and necessary referral forms will be provided by the ITQL. As an ITQL referral partner, a healthcare provider will be able to easily, quickly, and effectively refer patients who are tobacco users for cessation counseling and support. Through the ITQL tracking system, providers will be able to obtain information about their patients who receive cessation counseling through the ITQL.


Referrals may be submitted by one or more of the following methods:


1. Fax


2.Electronic fax (e-fax)


3. Medical record (EMR) data transfer.


For more information, visit


Michelle Slunder

618-263-3873 ext. 117


Illinois Tobacco Quitline

1-866-QUIT-YES or 1-866-784-8937

Open 7 Days a Week 7a.m. to 11p.m.

TTY 1-800-501-1068


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