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What is Emergency Preparedness

Since 2002, through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program, administered through the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Wabash County Health Department (WCHD) has received funding for emergency preparedness. These funds allow the WCHD to prepare an effective response to public health emergencies, including emergencies like anthrax outbreak, and natural disasters.

Programs & Services

Pandemic Influenza Response:

Unlike the seasonal flu, a pandemic flu virus poses a unique threat, a new virus strain can put people at risk of developing a life-threatening illness. The Wabash County Health Department developed a pandemic influenza plan for the county and it trains and exercises with other agencies to improve response capabilities. If pandemic influenza should occur, the WCHD will work closely with other Wabash County emergency agencies, regional partners, and the State of Illinois to manage distribute antiviral supplies and vaccines.

Bioterrorism Preparedness:

Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism employing biologic agents harmful to humans, animals, or plant life. In the event of an actual biological attack, the Health Department will coordinate a countywide response with other agencies (including the Federal Bureau of Investigation), provide updated information to the public, and coordinate the medical management of exposed persons.

Emergency Pharmaceutical Distribution:

In the event of a public health emergency, the WCHD will coordinate the distribution of pharmaceuticals (antiviral or antibiotic medications) to the entire population of Wabash County through Points of Dispensing using procedures in its Mass Dispensing Plan. This plan includes protocols for requesting, receiving, staging, and distributing pharmaceuticals.

Public Education and Outreach:

The WCHD, in cooperation with the Wabash County Emergency Management Agency (WEMA) , conducts public education and outreach programs to help the public become better prepared for disasters and emergencies. The WCHD also offers educational programs to civic groups and churches including:​

Gilligan's Island

The WCHD, in collaboration WEMA, formed the Wabash First Responder Support Team (Wabash First) and we continue to recruit and train new members. We welcome all kinds of volunteers with medical and non-medical skills. The team needs healthcare professionals (nurses, pharmacists, medical assistance, and physicians) and people willing to serve in non-medical capacities (health educators, interpreters, maintenance, communications, information technologist, etc.).

Training Volunteers to Assist During Emergencies

The after-hours contact for the Wabash County Health Department is Tristan Barbre, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
She can be reached at 618-878-8008.
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